Monday, April 4, 2011

Finally Getting Excited

Last week Rob and I went out to go birthday shopping for Seth. While we were out Rob asked if I wanted to go to Babies R Us to look around. We need a mattress still for the crib and new changing table pad and thought we'd see what they had. I immediately headed over to the clothes and asked if I could get a couple newborn outifits, more specifiically look for an outfit to take her home from the hospital in. I love shopping for baby girl clothes and haven't done it for a while and not at all for this one. Rob said I could pick up a few things. I found a couple really cute outfits, the play/sleeper type, LOVE those kind of outfits. The more I looked around the more excited I got! I just haven't gotten excited this time. I've been feeling so blah this time around that it's hard to think ahead to the baby. I've just been trying to make it through one day at at time. But getting out and actually shopping for HER was what I needed. I got a little discouraged as I couldn't find THE outfit to take her home in. I thought I found something but then they had no newborn sizes. Loved the color, the print and the style but no newborn :( Rob walked away at that point and found another rack with some other outfits and found a couple newborn sizes that had been misshelved. Same print, same color, slightly different style but in a newborn! It was what I wanted and I was probably happier than any other person would have been but my emotions are a bit on overdrive these days. It felt so good to finally be looking forwad to the baby, not just the end of the pregnancy. Her little outfit now sits in a spot where I see it every time I walk down the hall to my room. I can now picture my sweet little girl in her cute little outfit and it makes me smile everytime I see it! I can't wait to have her in my arms and cuddled up together on the couch :)

I'm also starting to get anxious. Up to this point I haven't done anything to get ready for her arrival, haven't had any desire. I'm finally feeling the pressure to get the crib up and the clothes washed and organized and whatever else needs to be done. I've received lots of hand me downs from friends but haven't had the energry or enthusiam needed to go through them. I have a bit but nothing is organized. So now feeling like I need to schedule time in for that. I also received several new outfits from my uncle that need to be washed and organized. Can't wait to see her in them as they are so dang cute! However, all this requires a dresser and we haven't had a chance to pick one up yet. So, I don't want to get started on the clothes until I have a dresser to put them in, which is making me anxious cause I now want to get started on the clothes. The really good thing about this is I'm finally seeing how little time I have left and it's making it feel like it's around the corner instead of years away, haha!