Monday, January 19, 2009

Build A Bear

As promised, Elizabeth got to go to Build A Bear as a reward for gaining enough weight in the past 3 months. We haven't experienced this before and were a little overwhelmed at first. We just sat back and watched a couple kids go through and got the gist of it so let Elizabeth go at it. She poured over all the different animals available. We had to help her start eliminating some as there were just too many to choose from. She finally settled on a pink bear. Elizabeth was so cute when we got to the stuffing station. The young man working it told her to pick up a heart to put in her pink bear. Then she had to warm it up in her hands. She looked at us like "Really? Why?" Then he asked her to kiss both sides of the heart, make a wish and put it in her bear. Again, the look of "Is he serious?" It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud :) She hesitantly kissed one side of the heart and told him she didn't have a wish to make. He gave her a funny look then he stuffed the heart in there and sewed the bear up. During this he asked her if it was a special occassion, why was she there? She shyly told him it was a reward for gaining enough weight. He gave us a look like he was asking if he heard her right. I'm sure he doesn't hear that one every day!!! We just chuckled.

With the bear stuffed and sewed up it was time to find an outfit. Oh my gosh!! How completely overwhelming. We thought it was hard to choose from the small variety of animals. There were hundreds of outfit combinations on that wall. We started pulling off outfits and telling Elizabeth how cute we thought it was on the bear's pink fur. I at first was thinking "Wow, what a rip, someone really nailed it when they developed this system of personlizing a teddy bear." Then I found it, the perfect outfit. A little white gi with different colored belts. I so have to have one now. I almost made one for myself but it was Elizabeth's special day so I held off.
So, back to choosing the elusive perfect teddy bear outfit. After several outfits, we found it. A cute pair of pink jeans, dark enough to compliment the bear's fur, and the cutest rainbow colored top. While she was trying those on the bear I went back to try and pick out a couple pairs of shoes for her to elminate more time looking at shoes. That's when I found the perfect shoes, rainbow colored shoes that matched the top perfetly. Now, why can't shopping for myself be so satisfying? I showed them to Elizabeth and it took her like 10 secs to agree with me. Overall it was fun to be in there with her. She asked if she could do it again and we told her she was welcome to come back every three months as long as she was keeping her weight where it needed to be. I may end up regretting that but for now if it keeps her gaining weight like she should I'll do anything :)
Washing her new bear "Fluff".

Fluff all dressed up and looking pretty! She reminds me of spring!

Oh and I am going back for that gi. My friend Lori and I decided we would go make one for our birthdays in April :)


1000 Miles in 2021 said...

Oh my gosh-- how adorable. Yay for Elizabeth! Leila missed out on the outfit part, maybe next time she and I can join you and I will let her pick out some clothes- we can make it a mommy-daughter date.

Quawana said...

OH that looks like fun! Jill said she really wants to go too. Maybe for her birthday the girls can go together.